Michael explains the importance of testing our dust, why mold growth in a home often occurs, the impact this exposure can have on the health of those exposed, remediation, prevention, ...
Michael is a featured guest on the Choose Africa podcast, where he sits down with Valerie Bowden to discuss his expertise in indoor air quality and how the got into ...
Michael sits down with David to discuss his experience in the mold remediation industry and how the transitioned into an indoor air quality expert. They discuss a wide range of ...
Michael sits down with Max to discuss just how much of a health issue indoor mold growth can be. They discuss a wide range of topics including indoor air quality, ...
On this episode of Well, Now, Michael discusses how he became GP's remediator and the interesting journey she had discovering the root cause of her chronic symptoms: exposure to microbial ...
Michael chats with Leigh Brandon on his podcast, Radical Health Rebel, to discuss his experience helping people breathe cleaner air inside and how to properly deal with mold in the ...